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13 MAY 2024
Press Releases
VIC Properties welcomes "Mulheres no Braço de Prata"
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This weekend, seven new streets in Prata Riverside Village, a project managed by the property developer VIC Properties in Marvila, were inaugurated. “Mulheres no Braço de Prata” was the name chosen by the Lisbon City Council for these new streets, whose names pay homeage to truly inspiring, talented and influencial women.

The seven plaques for the streets Águeda Sena (1927-2019, Dancer and Choreographer), Celeste Rodrigues (1923-2018, Fado singer), Fernanda Montemor (1935-2015, Actress), Georgina Ribas (Pianist and Political Activist), Madalena Iglésias (1939-2018, Singer), Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997, Missionary) and Teresa Tarouca (1942-2019, Fado singer) were unveiled on Saturday afternoon.

Last week, Eunice Muñoz (1928-2022), was also honoured. The extraordinary actress gave her name to “Passeio Eunice Muñoz”, a pedestrianised street by the Tejo river where, according to many of the family and friends who took part in the cerimony,

“Eunice would have loved to take her walks”.

For Luís Cabecinha, Prata´s Project Manager:

“It is with great pride that Prata Riverside Village welcomes these new streets named after illustrious women who have given so much to the city of Lisbon, the country and the word. The inspiring journey of these personalities will now be remembered and experienced in our parish of Marvila, in Braço de Prata”.

The Lisbon City Council’s initiative to name the streets of Prata after women reveals the reversal of a trend that has occured over time, wich has dictated a majority of male names in the city´s toponomy, giving more public visbility to women of recognised merit.