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23 MAR 2021
Webinar What’s Now Golden Visa?

Luís Gamboa, COO of VIC Properties, will be present at the round table of the “What’s now Golden Visa?” Webinar, on March 23, at 11 am.

The debate will aim to address the new legal regime for the so-called “Golden Visa” and its impact on the real estate sector.

At the event will also be present:

VIC PropertiesLuís Gamboa , COO
Habitat InvestPedro Vicente, Board Member
Century 21 IbériaRicardo Sousa, CEO
Morais LeitãoRita Lopes, Senior Associate
APPIIHugo Santos Ferreira, Executive Vice-president
EYBhavik Chunilal, Tax and Immigration services Manager
Vanguard PropertiesJosé Cardoso Botelho, CEO
SIC Liliana Carvalho, Moderating Journalist

VIC Propeties covers the entire value chain with added value at all stages. Its efforts have been focused on the search and development of mostly residential developments, where commerce and services are also relevant as a complement and in a logic of self-sufficiency in the developments, with its own life and dynamics. It is this determination to create unique locations with its own identity that makes VIC Properties a benchmark in the Portuguese real estate landscape.

Subscribe: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_M4iDoM4pTCGuO7cUivxN2A

Webinar: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=900755554033971&ref=watch_permalink

VIC event thumbnail image