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28 JUL 2021
Prémio Excelência BIM 2021

The Prata Riverside Village project was awarded with the Honorable Mention “Impact on Industry” in the Prémio Excelência BIM 2021, after the participation in the “Simulation and Design” and “Planning and Construction” categories.

VIC Properties, the real estate developer responsible for the development of Prata Riverside Village project, was recognized for implementing the BIM methodology which, through the use of advanced 3D modeling software, allows the transposition of the virtual project to the reality of the work with visible results in terms of service quality and the anticipation of conflicts, avoiding downtime in construction.

The Prémio Excelência BIM 2021 aims to enhance and promote the digitization and implementation of BIM at a national level, through the dissemination and promotion of good practices, in particular those resulting from existing standards. In this way, it contributes to the dissemination of BIM and the digital construction at the public and private level, through the sharing of success stories and the identification of the various inherent advantages. It is also intended to encourage the structuring of information and the creation of BIM libraries of national products, promote the adoption of the BIM methodology and construction digitization practices, to promote the increase of competitiveness of the AEC sector at the international level, where BIM already is widespread.

The attribution of this prize is an initiative of CT197-BIM, the Technical Committee for National BIM Standardization, with the support of BUILT CoLAB, Cluster AEC and PTPC. These entities have as a transversal mission the promotion of good practices in the construction industry, highlighting the importance of innovation and digitization of industry and the built environment, promoting the digital and climate transition of buildings and infrastructure, making them adaptable, intelligent, resilient and sustainable.

The Jury was composed of representatives from reference institutions in the AEC Sector: Claúdia Antunes (Order of Architects), Fernando Pinho (Order of Engineers), Francisco Teixeira Bastos (Higher Technical Institute), João Poças Martins (Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto), Miguel Azenha (University of Minho), Paula Couto (National Civil Engineering Laboratory) and Rita Moura (Cluster AEC/PTPC).

Watch the videos to more accurately understand each detail of the BIM methodology implemented by VIC Properties in the construction of the magnificent Prata Riverside Village:

Simulation and Design:

Planning and Construction:

VIC event thumbnail image